
02 June 2007
Put together Murdoch's Fox News, a mid-May debate between Republican presidential candidates and the state of South Carolina, and you have a hotbed of stupidity. But to the fury of the Republican organizers, there was an intrusion of...
04 May 2007
Both Democratic and Republican politicians are becoming uncomfortably aware that they may have seriously miscalculated just how unpopular the war in Iraq is with a very large number of American voters. Fence-straddling on the war, let...
07 April 2007
In the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, Mayor Giuliani seemed as sure a bet as you could hope for as the Republican candidate destined to seek the White House in 2008. He rallied his city amid the rubble of the Twin Towers. His, not Bush's,...
15 March 2007
Someday, historians will wonder why the highest officials in the Bush Justice Department believed they could inflict heavy-handed political abuse on federal prosecutors -- and get away with it. The punishment of the eight dismissed U.S....
15 March 2007
Our children are being sacrificed on the altar of corporate greed in Iraq. As the purported rationale for the war has metamorphosed from protecting ourselves from weapons of mass destruction and the specter of a ''mushroom shaped cloud...
07 March 2007
When Attorney General Alberto Gonzales insists that his firing of several United States attorneys last December wasn't a political purge but merely a normal bureaucratic decision, many thousands of lawyers, judges, officers and officials...


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