
01 February 2010
Friends- some of you may not be aware of this, but these brave young people have been treesitting on Coal River Mtn for about a week now, putting up with freezing temps, loud horn noisemakers kept on all night to try to make them leave the...
22 January 2010
On January 21, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations are entitled to spend unlimited funds in our elections. The First Amendment was never intended to protect corporations. This cannot stand. Sign up to protest this...
21 January 2010
The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) is a treaty which bans nuclear testing and puts into place a verification system to alert the international community in case of a nuclear explosion. Ratification of the CTBT is expected to...
12 January 2010
Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska is launching a potentially devastating attack on the Clean Air Act. Majority Leader Harry Reid has granted her a vote for January 20 that would block the EPA from regulating greenhouse gas emissions from coal...
02 January 2010
The following article is Editor Bob Fitrakis' "Raking the Muck" article in the 2009 End of the Year Free Press issue, just out in print January 1, 2010:
Behold, the resurrection of a truly “free press.” The Free Press is of...
23 December 2009
As the Copenhagen climate talks collapsed, an unheralded but hard-fought No Nukes victory moved us closer to a green-powered Earth.

It happened in upstate New York, where the Unistar Nuclear Energy front group asked the...


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