
30 November 2007
THIS IS AN URGENT ACTION ALERT: Pick up your phone today and contact your US Senator's office to instruct them to vote "NO" on S.1959.

Click here for your Senators’ contact info:
12 November 2007
House Resolution 333 for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney is off the House floor, and has instead been sent to the Judiciary Committee for "further study." This maneuver, organized by Pelosi and the Democratic leadership, is...
07 November 2007
Join the U.S. Campaign for Burma and people of good will throughout the world in a boycott of Chevron and Texaco, the biggest financial supporters of the Burmese military regime. Why boycott Chevron (and their Texaco brand too)? What does...
01 November 2007
ATTENTION COMMUNITY: Call Kroger's CEO Dave Dillon at 1-866-221-4141. Tell him that you Support the Cincinnati Kroger Workers in a FAIR CONTRACT! One that includes:
* Quality, Affordable Health Care
* Fair Wages
* A...


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