
04 August 2007
Nine Reasons to Pink Slip Dick Cheney

1. He purposely manipulated information about the existence weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to make a case for launching a war against that country. THERE WERE NO WEAPONS OF MASS...
03 August 2007
As early as this Friday, Congress may approve legislation allowing the Department of Energy to approve $50 billion and more in federal loan guarantees to build new nuclear power plants.

We ask that you call your US...
01 August 2007
While politicians of both parties have repeatedly denounced Alberto Gonzales for public mendacity and abuse of office, a few of them finally have stepped up to do what must be done. On July 31, Rep. Jay Inslee, D-Wash., and several...
28 July 2007
Last month the Senate passed groundbreaking legislation to increase fuel efficiency standards for the first time in nearly 30 years. Now the momentum has shifted to the House of Representatives where a similar vote is expected shortly. It'...
28 July 2007
After a trip abroad, I cleared customs and found an airport newsstand. Hillary Clinton was on the cover of Fortune. John Edwards looked out from Men's Vogue.

            I was reminded to reset my watch but also to check my...
26 July 2007
Not so long ago, the Republican right expected to dominate American politics for generations to come. Karl Rove, "boy genius" of the GOP, believed that his generation had achieved a partisan realignment that would overturn the progressive...


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