
01 March 2007
Tell Your Representative to Support HRes 121! Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA) has reintroduced his resolution on "Protecting the Human Rights of Comfort Women" House Resolution 121 denounces Japan's sexual enslavement of Asian and Pacific Island...
28 February 2007
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (CUADP) Celebrating 160 Years Without Death Penalty
With judicial, legislative or executive moratoriums on executions in place in at least eight states, March 1st, 2007,...
27 February 2007
While finance and technology are rapidly reshaping our media, undermining printed words and exalting digital screens, the nation's major newspapers continue to exercise enormous political influence. Their news reports and editorial...
19 February 2007
Education Guide Training Set for March. Stratford Ecological Center are looking for dedicated volunteers for Spring Education Guides to lead a small groups of children on adventures around our farm and nature preserve. Christa Hein,...
14 February 2007
Right now, the House is debating the resolution against escalation in Iraq. While this is an important first step, we know that it's going to take more than non-binding resolutions to stop the surge and bring the war to an end. We've...


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