
Gray haired white man with long face, black eyebrows looking worried
16 July 2019

January 25, 2001 - Imagine Columbus Alive's surprise last week when Nigel Rosser, a British journalist and reported confidant of the royal family, contacted us to inquire about Prince Andrew's central Ohio connection....

04 June 2019

I plead with the readers of this column to click on the following links and read about the Vale Mining Corporation’s warning of an impending dissolution of yet another Brazilian mine tailings dam. Here is the link to the developing...

3D black and white buildings from above
29 May 2019

“The age of nuclear energy is coming to an end. The age of radioactive waste is just beginning.” Gordon EdwardsCanadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility

Hang Ups Plague California’s Nuke...

23 April 2019

Hearings in the Ohio Legislature this week (Tuesday and Wednesday) will underscore opposition to the proposed mega-...

24 March 2019

I sent the New York Times this letter on March 20, 2019:

To the Editor,

Peter Navarro’s op-ed “Why America Needs a Stronger Defense Industry” argues that “Investing in the sector means more jobs at home and improved...

23 February 2019

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Medical marijuana and kratom became legal in
Thailand on February 18 after the king signed a royal decree allowing
doctors, patients, schools, farmers, entrepreneurs and exporters to


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