
29 December 2015
In Medina County, Ohio, the local prosecutor, sheriff and judge are not behaving the way the fossil fuel industry has come to expect. A pipeline venture known as NEXUS is seeking to move 1.5 billion cubic feet of fracked gas per day across...
Picture of a guy in an office playing with drumsticks
23 December 2015

Christmas is traditionally a popular time to open a film, so it’s no surprise that a slew of new releases are hitting the multiplex this week.

Will any of them be able to gain a foothold following last week’s record-breaking...

13 November 2015

In the lead-up to the November 3 referendum on pot legalization in Ohio, reputable mainstream polls show it winning.

Then, amidst the usual “glitches” that distinguish the Buckeye State’s electronic elections, it officially...

06 November 2015

According to the Ohio Secretary of State, the people of Ohio defeated a November 3 proposition to legalize marijuana by a tally of nearly 2:1.

The official vote count is not plausible.  

The assertion that the election was...

Poster of Nixon about the drug war
28 October 2015

The Drug War has been a forty-year lynching….
…the corporate/GOP response to the peace and civil rights movements.  

It’s used the Drug Enforcement Administration and other policing operations as a high-tech Ku Klux Klan,...

Book cover for Showdown
09 October 2015

Thurgood Marshall is one of the most overlooked and underappreciated freedom fighters of the twentieth century. For more than two decades he was the preeminent lawyer for the National Association for the Advancement of...


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