
30 January 2014
Much has been printed concerning the “data-scrubbing” scandal in the Columbus City Schools (CCS) district. Less has been revealed about the more blatant criminal theft and misappropriation of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) tutoring funds...
28 January 2014
Toshi and Pete Seeger defy description except through the sheer joy and honor it was to know them, however briefly.
Their list of accomplishments will fill many printed pages, which all pale next to the simple core beauty of the...
21 January 2014
As of the 21st, Citizens United has reached it's "fruit & flowers" anniversary - four years of degrading our electoral process, one attack ad at a time.

Super PACs and special interest groups spend millions of dollars to...
20 January 2014
President Obama should know that his silence in regards to the military industrial complex is a betrayal of the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Rev. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 exactly one year after, to the day, he profoundly...


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