
29 July 2013
For decades, the federal government has failed to properly manage and dispose of the nation's radioactive nuclear waste. As a result, the waste has remained on site at nuclear power plants across the country. The waste poses significant...
27 July 2013
Well, I am very disappointed at the fact that Zimmerman was found not guilty because I know, as well as everyone else, that George Zimmerman committed homicide, on the day of April 11, 2012. The fact that his father was a retired judge and...
22 July 2013
As the sumer is heating up, so is our movement. In one week we join together to stand up to Big Oil and Gas. Communities across the region will join together in the heart of the region's oil industry to call for a ban on injection wells...
03 July 2013
Barack Obama has taken his two daughters on a dramatic visit to the Robben Island cell once occupied by Nelson Mandela.

Let's hope he takes them next to the one now occupied by Leonard Peltier.

Mandela was...
01 July 2013
The UN and the World Medical Association both require Guantanamo detainees to have access to independent medical advice and medical examinations when they need it. But they aren't getting it!

In response to this violation and...
26 June 2013
By and 5-4 vote today, June 25, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court has sanctioned the return of apartheid in nine states in our union that have a long legacy of blocking black and Latino voters.

The Court struck down Section 4 of...


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