
17 August 2012
Voting rights advocates continue to call for weekend voting hours in light of the recent directive from the Secretary of State that closes down weekend voting across the state.

While the Secretary of State's new directive...
16 July 2012
Hello Fracktivists,
We are beginning a program to hold ODNR accountable for allowing permitting of Oil & Gas extraction/injection wells and the inspection of these sites. There are many operating sites that are not following...
06 July 2012
On a busy street
Of a large Midwestern city
In the summer heat
Of 2003
I unfurled a sheet
Hung from my apartment window
Eighteen feet

And the cars rolled by...
01 July 2012
In a close, 5-4 decision, the Supreme court voted to uphold the entire Affordable Care Act - including the controversial individual mandate, which was preserved as a tax.

Firedoglake writers and activists have worked...
14 June 2012
If vote-rigging prospers, none may call it vote-rigging. It simply becomes the new norm. Once again, the universal laws of statistics apply only outside U.S. borders. The recall vote in Wisconsin produced another significant 7% discrepancy...
14 June 2012
Join us to support Pride!
The Franklin County Green Party has a walking group permit to join the Columbus Pride Parade Saturday, June 16. We'll meet at the southwest corner of State and Front Streets at 10:45am. Step off is at noon....


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