You can take action now to support the US Fish and Wildlife Service's proposal to list the polar bear as threatened at  With the Arctic Ocean expected to be ice-free in the summer as early as 2040, the polar bear is the canary in the coal mine for climate change.  Comments must be received by April 7.

Then you can bring the Arctic to your home town or campus by scheduling a stop in my upcoming tour by train around the continent.  Trains get up to 40 times better fuel efficiency per passenger mile and are a great solution to climate change.

I am launching a polar bear survival tour April –May to support mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reductions to protect the polar bear and so much more.  The tour will promote the permanent protection Of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain as wilderness.  That area has more polar bear dens than anywhere in the United States by far.  The tour will also support the effort to list the polar bear as threatened, and for the USFWS to take strong action to protect the polar bear by requiring greenhouse gas reductions.

With powerful visuals of melting glaciers, crumbling shorelines and native villages, dying forests, draining lakes and so much more Arctic Melting leaves the audience with a deep understanding of the varied impacts of climate change, and the desperate need for change.

But instead of leaving it at the problem, the presentation shows solutions to the climate crisis through efficiency, wind, solar and biofuels.  The most powerful thing that needs done is a mandatory cap on greenhouse gas emissions.

The presentation also has an optimistic note, going along with my third book coming out in a few weeks: Against All Odds: The Struggle to Save The Ridges.  This book shows how we can win environmental struggles, even when they seem hopeless, through persistence, creativity and tenacity.  We must use the critical mass of awareness on this issue to institute massive changes, before it is too late.

Here is the current schedule: 

April 10, 2007:  7 p.m. Minneapolis, Minnesota
April 12, 2007: Loyola College, Chicago
April 14, 2007: Minneapolis, Minnesota Climate Crisis Rally
April 18, 2007: Kalamazoo, Michigan
April 24, 2007: Bellingham, Washington
April 27, 2007: Midpines, California
May 2, 2007 Lincoln, Nebraska
May 11, 2007 Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

I would like to add more presentations, so contact me if you can host one.

If you can help with donations for the tour they can be made to the Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign, and sent to P.O. Box 31; Athens, OH 45701.