Joe Conason writes for the New York Observer is a journalist, author and political commentator. He writes a column for and has written a number of books, including Big Lies (2003), which addresses what he says are myths spread about liberals by conservatives. He currently is editor-in-chief at  The National Memo, a leftwing political newsletter and website.

Articles by Author

18 July 2007
For the first time in a long time, encouraging news is emanating from North Korea. On July 16, the International Atomic Energy Agency verified earlier reports...
12 July 2007
Among the most durable myths of American public life is that conservatives are more authentic in their religious faith than liberals and progressives....
07 June 2007
The only way for Rudolph Giuliani to protect his status as the Republican Party's leading presidential aspirant is to distract his party's primary voters from...
31 May 2007
For most Americans, who now wish we had never invaded Iraq, the notion of expanding that extraordinarily lethal mistake into neighboring Iran and Syria must...
24 May 2007
For more than three decades, the Rev. Jerry Falwell guided the white evangelical masses of the South into the Republican Party, culminating in the most...
10 May 2007
Sensing their own smallness, contemporary politicians often seek to puff themselves up by appealing to myth and legend. For Republicans, there is no mythology...
