
24 May 2007
Public, Educational and Government Access channels are under imminent threat by AT&T sponsored legislation. The Ohio House of Representatives' public utilities committee will be holding their hearing on Senate Bill SB 117 on Wednesday...
16 May 2007
Gulf War 1 veteran and conscientious objector, Tim Coil, was arrested for what he considered to be Free Speech in an Ohio public library. Tim and Yvette Coil peacefully objected to military recruiters conducting the business of recruiting...
08 May 2007
Pelosi Has Started Phone Tally for Impeachment- CALL NOW!!! House Speaker Pelosi's office is taking calls voting for Impeachment of Bush/Cheney at 202-225-0100. Folks, each of you who have been wanting impeachment, need to commit right now...
04 May 2007
The president just vetoed a plan that would bring our troops home from Iraq this year. There's a huge amount of pressure right now on Democrats in Congress to compromise and give the president what he wants. We need to make sure Congress...
28 April 2007
CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 has chosen to feature Video the Vote as one of four pieces in its year ending “Keeping Them Honest” segment. Their Video the Vote piece will be featured on the CNN website in the coming days where viewers LIKE YOU...
24 April 2007
Lou Peters and others from our own community of alterantive health care practitioners, are spreading the word about new FDA guidance that could potentially create a crisis in our freedom to choose our health care services and products. On...


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