
04 July 2017

In 1932, Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein conducted a correspondence
subsequently published under the title ‘Why War?’ See ‘Why War: Einstein
and Freud’s Little-Known Correspondence on Violence, Peace, and Human

28 June 2017

The idea that the United States has a problem with war propaganda is typically scratched in a bad-apples manner with a story that the U.S. has set up a new propaganda agency, such as the Global Engagement Center, or hired a company,...

20 June 2017

The Doomsday Clock has been moved closer to midnight than it’s been since 1953. The U.S. has shot down a Syrian plane. Russia has threatened to shoot down U.S. planes. There is no way to overstate the importance of avoiding telling...

07 June 2017

The new movie, War Machine, on Netflix starring Brad Pitt begins as a hilarious and satisfying mockery of General Stanley McChrystal, circa 2009, as well as of militarism in general. Hilarious because of the deadpan sincere...


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