
25 October 2015


Only a non-patriot or someone with a bit of respect for the Bill of Rights would have opposed the Patriot Act.

Only a child-hater or someone with a bit of respect for public education would have opposed the ...

25 October 2015

President Barack Obama has vetoed a military authorization bill. Why would he do such a thing?

Was it because dumping $612 billion into a criminal enterprise just finally struck him as too grotesque?


20 October 2015

The accepted story in the United States of what's happened in Syria is just that, a story told to make narrative sense of something completely un-understood.

In Southern Sweden a giant round rock lies on flat...

20 October 2015

To the genre of war abolition treatises that everyone should read add ...

17 October 2015


There's a view of Syria, common even among peace activists in the United States, that holds that because the United States has been making everything worse in Syria and the entire Middle East for years,...

12 October 2015


No, it’s not really fair to blame President Obama personally for the waves of aerial bombing that took more than an hour on October 4 to...


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