
31 March 2013
It’s hard for me, an ordinary citizen of Singapore, a medical doctor engaged in social enterprise work in Afghanistan and a human being wishing for a better world, to write this from Kabul.
But people are dying.
And children...
18 March 2013
On a plane circling Baghdad in gray dawn light, a little Iraqi girl quietly sang to herself in the next row. “When I start to wonder why I’m making this trip,” Sean Penn murmured to me, “I see that child and I remember what it’s about...
13 January 2013
An estimated one hundred people assembled outside the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters on Saturday expressing their opposition to the US presidential assassination lists, killer drone death squads, illegal rendition, torture, and...
14 June 2012
Editor's Note: The Know Drones Tour will be at the Free Press Second Saturday Salon on July 14.
The purpose of the 2012 Know Drones Tour is to do sidewalk public education, working with other groups to help generate a citizens...
13 March 2012
The Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers question the presumption that the U.S. military strategy in Afghanistan is necessary for American or Afghan peace. Tragedies like the Kandahar killing spree which massacred 16 Afghan civilians in their...
23 January 2012
Most people know about being "Sleepless in Seattle." Well, I am "snowed in in Seattle!" But even six inches of snow in Seattle don't keep me from becoming steamed when I read the latest news reports on the activities of the U.S. war...


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