
22 July 2006
Or ... One average citizen's account of her unsettling experience video-taping on Election Day 2004, attending the public hearings afterward and then serving as an Official Witness for the Ohio Vote Recount.

In 2004,...
22 July 2006
While vocally supporting passage of the Act, President Bush and his administration have refused to effectively enforce it ?

“The passage of the Voting Rights Act reauthorization today is good news for all Americans who care...
16 July 2006
Whereas an election is the legal process by which We, the People, transfer power to our governmental representatives; and

Whereas, current electronic voting technologies have been shown to be unreliable, insecure and...
16 July 2006
The Exit polls said he won, but the "official" tally took his victory away.  His supporters found they were scrubbed off voter rolls.  Violence and intimidation kept even more of his voters away from the polls.  Hundreds of thousands of...
11 July 2006
The 2004 presidential contest between Democratic challenger Senator John Kerry and the Republican incumbent, President Bush Jr., amounted to another stolen election. This has been well documented by such investigators as Rep. John Conyers...
09 July 2006
Lopez Obrador is saying in Mexico what the Democratic Party should have been saying in the United States since November 2000: WE DO NOT CONCEDE. And no Democrat should ever again be nominated for any public office without first pledging...


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