
17 March 2010
The nuclear power industry is sending a clear and forceful message to the citizens of Vermont: "Drop Dead."

The greeting applies to Ohio, New York, California and a nation under assault from a "renaissance" so far hyped with...
11 March 2010
During the second week of March more than 200 people from 27 states gathered in Washington, D.C. to lobby federal legislators to support the Clean Water Protection Act, HB 1310, as a way to stop or seriously curtail mountain top removal...
27 February 2010
A driving snowstorm could not keep Vermonters away from the statehouse in Montpelier yesterday as the Vermont Senate convened a historic debate and then voted on the future of the state’s aging nuclear power plant.

23 February 2010
The mystery has been solved.

Where is this "new reactor renaissance" coming from?

There has been no deep, thoughtful re-making or re-evaluation of atomic technology. No solution to the nuke waste problem. No...
20 February 2010
Audio file
Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman with Tom Over live on Conscious Voices 2-19-10. They discuss the problems with nuclear power and the role activism plays with this and other...


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