
16 January 2005
At the gay rights rally on January 15, 2005, held in front of the Ohio Statehouse, Lynn Bowman, speaking for the Human Rights Campaign, told 80 Ohio gays to “get over it.” 

Bowman knows of what she speaks when she conveys HRC...
09 August 2004
A recent obituary in the New York Times told about Frank Smith, "who as an inmate leader at Attica prison was tortured by officers in the aftermath of the prisoner uprising of 1971 and then spent a quarter century successfully fighting...
10 July 2004
Happy Gay Pride. I look over the years and I see so much hate for the gay lifestyle, but does that make me ashamed? The answer, short and sweet ... No.

  People hide behind religion with gay and non-gay reasoning. At...
14 April 2004
Dear Sir The Palestinian Christian is an endangered species. When the modern state of Israel was established there were about 400000 of us. Two years ago the number was down to 80000. Now it's down to 60000. At that rate, in a few years...
24 February 2004
President Bush today called for passage of the Federal Marriage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that if ratified, would define marriage as a union only between one man and one woman.

"What this president has done is...
31 December 2003
As the new year unfolds, one unmistakable fact remains unreported in America’s submissive mainstream media: our President George W. Bush is a war criminal. Any attempt to state this obvious fact is ignored and any Democratic Presidential...


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