
28 April 2018

Around 9 a.m., a helicopter began circling overhead. Moments later, as Jonathan Blitzer wrote recently in the...

14 April 2018

When history is looked at in its complexity, it plays havoc with the present moment.

“This wasn’t done by the Klan, or people who had to wear a mask...

11 April 2018

While conflict theories and resolution processes advanced dramatically during the second half of the 20th century, particularly thanks to the important work of several key scholars such as Professor Johan Galtung – see...

10 April 2018
“You can’t come into court to espouse a position that is heartless.” – Senior US District Judge Nichlas G. Garaufis
02 April 2018

Fifty years ago, on 4 April 1968, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.


The night before he died, King gave another of his many evocative speeches; this one at the packed Mason Temple in Memphis. The...

28 March 2018
  My wife and I moved from the Los Angeles area to the hills of Northern California in 1971, seven miles from the nearest paved road; far enough from any immediate help from law enforcement that the local police told us “Make sure you’re...


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