
21 November 2017

Are veterans of the U.S. military disproportionately likely to be mass killers in the United States? Asking such a question is difficult, first because of concerns of profiling, discrimination, etc., and second, because it’s hard to...

16 November 2017
“Let me be clear: The use of starvation as a weapon of war is a war crime.” UN...
02 November 2017

Basically, it’s kidnapping.

Were the Border Patrol agents wearing MAGA hats when they grabbed Rosa Maria Hernandez as she left her hospital room?...

30 October 2017


The swampish saga would be hard to invent. In early October, Puerto Rico’s Energy Power Authority awarded a $300 million tax-funded contract to reconstruct the island’s hurricane devastated power grid to a two-...

28 October 2017

 “. . . insects as a group are in terrible trouble and the remorselessly expanding human enterprise has become too much, even for them.”


23 October 2017

October 16th marked the 49th anniversary of an iconic moment in sports history, a moment which exemplified the unwavering dedication necessary to the conduction of...


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