
31 March 2003
The Peter Arnett fiasco seems to this observer to reflect poorly on NBC News, which apparently sees the role of a news network as that of printing the "official" story and to hell with the truth.  

I admit that I would feel...
27 March 2003

Tonight 3/25/03 Harvey Wasserman spoke to a small gathering at Café Romano across from UNLV in Las Vegas. It was a good sometime humorous and completely informative talk.

BUT and here is the big BUT. Fox news which showed up...

19 March 2003
The media giant Clear Channel has been busy backing legislation to allow it to extend its reach lately, but it has paused just long enough to support the war. Clear Channel has been promoting Glen Beck’s “Rallies for America,” on its...
14 March 2003
Do you know what you are not seeing on television? Last month a peace organization purchased national commercial airtime from Comcast cable to run an anti-war ad on the night of the State of the Union Address. The ad was pulled at the...
20 February 2003
Yesterday, I emailed Taft's office commemorating the date when John Byrd and Wilfred Berry died. I requested instate a moratorium on the death penalty. Today my computer service alerted me that Taft's email will no longer accept my...
20 February 2003
Connie Hammond, a principal organizer for the Columbus march against war in Iraq last Saturday, estimated that 800 people attended the rally.

Perhaps like me, you watched the evening TV news to see what kind of coverage...


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