19 July 2023

This is the perfect opportunity for Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, to exit the stage. But he will not. 


Abbas’ brief visit to the devastated Jenin refugee camp in the northern...

28 June 2023

I was reading about bumble bees recently — specifically, their looming demise, thanks to human greed and ignorance — and started thinking about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We should have eaten from it!


15 June 2023

It’s something of an understatement to say that we are all awakening again today in uncharted territory. And, the rule of law prevails.

Despite his avalanche of trumped-up cries of innocence, and despite the wolf whistles on his...

08 June 2023

“One nation, under God . . .”

Interesting addition to the Pledge, considering, you know, the separation of church and state. I actually remember it — it was 1954. I was in third grade, and had been reciting the Pledge with my...

07 June 2023

We have it on the very best but very secret source that Trump has clandestine plans to return the Statue of Liberty to the French as soon as he returns to the White House. Amongst his followers, Trump has been heard to say the statue no...


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