
23 January 2011
Dear Dr. Fitrakis,

My name is Teng Vang.  I live in the beautiful state of North Carolina.  I happened to read your column dated January 18, 2011 about our leader General Vang Pao.

I am dismay in reading your...
23 January 2011
To: Dr. Bob Fitrakis, the editor of the freepress.

I want to complain to you about your article which has been posted by New York Time on Thursday 20th 2011 about Vang Pao was one of the world's most notorious drug dealers....
20 January 2011
The easy violence of empire washes over everything. It washes into our psyches.
I’m thinking about this in connection with the juxtaposition of anniversaries this week: Martin Luther King Day; President Eisenhower’s farewell address...
20 January 2011
While Washington pundits are talking up a new civility, many progressives are bracing for the old servility -- a bipartisanship that is servile to a corporate elite that is unquenchably greedy and more powerful than ever.

17 January 2011
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lived till he was just 39. He has been dead now longer than he lived.

Sadly, too many who never worked with, or even supported, Dr. King while he was alive and in the middle of the struggle, now...
15 January 2011
Will there be copycats?

Will parents let their children attend political rallies anymore? Will Congress ever come to our corner again?

We witness another impromptu festival of American violence, this one in front...


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