
18 July 2010
On Wednesday U.S. senators from both political parties asked the president's representative to Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke what in the world the goal could be for the ongoing war. He had no answer.

Senator Russ Feingold...
15 July 2010
Today’s big news stories — the wars, the eco-disasters — all seem to have the same gaping hole in them. This hole is lack of awareness, and its thrum, once you begin to hear it, soon becomes deafening: We can’t go on like this.
08 July 2010
“Complaints about civilian casualties have also stirred concern among human rights advocates.”
The problem is that a sentence like this — arguably a dead sentence, with a few quasi-facts entombed in an inert moral sensibility —...
07 July 2010
Despite what our leaders may profess, U.S. directed torture continues and efforts to obtain redress for victims and accountability from perpetrators are met with systematic obstruction. We know we cannot rely on government, at any level,...
05 July 2010
The peace movement has made significant progress in the United States since its low point of late 2008, and just about everything anyone in it has done has been a contribution. If everyone keeps doing what they're doing, and more of it,...
22 June 2010
President Obama must fire General Stanley McChrystal and get out of Afghanistan....for starters.

There is much more at stake here than meets the eye.

History is full of generals with deep contempt for democracy....


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