
03 April 2009
While General David "Betray Us" Petraeus must be thrilled with his conversion from traitor to saint in the eyes of the pseudo-left and amazed that such things can be accomplished simply by changing the political party of the president, the...
31 March 2009
No, he's NOT the president of Venezuela.

Yes, he was the man who popularized the slogan "Yes, we can!" Only he said "Si' se puede!"

Cesar Chavez, American young people should know, was an American who 40 years...
19 March 2009
“But administration officials also worry that taking too hard a line with AIG and other companies could discourage top financial experts and institutions from joining the government efforts to fix the financial system.” — Weisman, Reddy...
17 March 2009
ARLINGTON, VA - Seven peace activists were arrested this morning as they attempted to meet with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates at the Pentagon.

The peace activists are associated with the National Campaign for Nonviolent...
04 March 2009
142 Organizations Agree With Leading Senators and Congress Members: The Crimes of Bush, Cheney, and Other Top Officials Must Be Prosecuted

Statement on Prosecution of Former High Officials

We urge Attorney...
25 February 2009
Hours after President Obama’s speech to a joint session of Congress, the New York Times printed the news that he plans to gradually withdraw “American combat forces” from Iraq during the next 18 months. The newspaper reported that the...


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