
27 February 2003
AUSTIN, Texas -- When we need a laugh in grim times, we count on our Attorney General John Ashcroft, the Whoopi Goldberg of the Bush administration. This week, Ashcroft took time off from tracking down terrorists in order to bust 55...
27 February 2003
You gotta hand it to America's mass media: When war hangs in the balance, they sure know how to bury a story.

After devoting thousands of network hours and oceans of ink to stories about "weapons of mass destruction"...
25 February 2003
AUSTIN, Texas -- You ain't no John Snow when it comes to pensions. Snow, our new treasury secretary, was CEO of the railroad company CSX Corp. and got a platinum parachute when he bailed. He gets $2.47 million a year for life in retirement...
20 February 2003
President Bush's disparaging remarks yesterday can be found in the headlines of the major cities around the world. This (in and of itself) works great and unexpected wonders as he and the people around him have very nicely legitimized the...
20 February 2003
AUSTIN, Texas -- Before we all work ourselves into such righteous snits we can't even talk to one another anymore, let's see what we can agree on. Wanting to get rid of Saddam Hussein does not make anyone a bloodthirsty monster or a tool...
20 February 2003
One of the big media buzzwords to emerge in recent years is "globalization." By now, we're likely to know what it means. That's unfortunate -- because at this point the word is so ambiguous that it doesn't really mean much of anything...


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