
13 November 2002
Recently, U.S. President George W. Bush addressed your august assembly. Despite obtaining his office by what appeared to be a fraudulent coup and stealing the electoral votes of the state of Florida where his brother Jeb is governor, he...
13 November 2002
Freep Hero: U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV)

While most of the Senate Democrats sit idly by looking for their spines, Sen. Robert Byrd nearly single-handedly fights to protect the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights...
12 November 2002
AUSTIN -- Under the radar. Wheee, it is coming down fast and hard out here.

The Wall Street Journal devoted some coverage to the interesting case of Janet Rehnquist, inspector general at the Department of Health and Human...
07 November 2002
AUSTIN -- Never say this is not a great nation. A campaign in which Jesse Ventura took offense at someone else's behavior: Mr. Etiquette, the sensitive male. Poor Charlton Heston, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, no shame to him,...
05 November 2002
AUSTIN, Texas -- So the new guy in charge of reforming the accounting industry himself sat on the board of a company now being investigated for fraud, and when that company's outside auditors complained about accounting irregularities,...
04 November 2002
About a day before I decided to write this me and a couple friends were having a discussion about the nature of the columbus activist community. A little joke came up between us where we gave our activist community a motto:"Welcome to...


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