
16 November 2017

Things fall apart, the center cannot hold . . .

The “man’s world” I grew up is shattering into fragments of shame, contrition and desperate denial....

14 November 2017


In a recent incident in the United States, yet another unarmed man was shot dead by police after opening his front door in response to their knock...

10 November 2017
This article ends our series on cancer, the SECOND LARGEST KILLER in the U.S. As we stated earlier ...
08 November 2017

This time, the “the fire and the fury” of American mass murder erupted in church. Twenty-six people were killed, including children, one only 18 months old.

29 October 2017

More than a hundred mothers have contacted me over the years, alarmed at the relationships their teenaged children were developing with military recruiters at school. They wanted to know what they could do about it. They were angry, and...


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