
08 February 2018

People have a wide range of reasons for opposing a military Trumparade through Washington. Here are nearly...

24 January 2018

Got a problem? Simplify and project.

When you have a country to govern and you have no idea what to do — and, even more to the core of the matter,...

24 January 2018

Having spent years going to events organized by peace groups, at which people tell each other they should stop “preaching to the choir,” I’ve started doing another kind of event. I debate war supporters in front of mixed crowds that...

10 January 2018

Definition: An iatrogenic disease is an illness that occurs as a result of a therapeutic or diagnostic procedure undertaken on a patient; a healthcare professional-caused disease, usually due to properly-...

04 January 2018

The Free Press rarely if ever posts fundraisering appeals for other organizations or people, after all, we need donations ourselves.  

If you do not know who Jeffrey Sterling is, please read.  He became a political prisoner for a...


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