13 October 2011
Dozens of people who are part of Occupy DC, camping out in Freedom Plaza and McPhearson Square, packed the line to get into the House Armed Services Committee where Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was testifying. Only 15 people were allowed...
13 October 2011
Thanks in large part to the New York and national corporate media a massive campaign to shift power away from giant corporations and into the hands of the people is now afoot all across this continent. It was inspired by peoples'...
10 October 2011
We want everyone that is able to come down to the capital of our great state of Ohio to show unity in our efforts to eliminate corporate influence in our government. Bring copies of the original Occupy Wall Street grievances to pass, a...
07 October 2011
Greetings from Occupy DC! Jan & I are here for the first day of the occupation of Washington in Freedom Plaza along with about 500+ others & more coming every minute. The mood is high & it is interesting to see the mix of...


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