
29 October 2020

Free Press advises voters that it is too late to vote by mail. Secretary's of State in Wisconsin, Arizona, and other officials have gone on record.


15 October 2020


O’odham sacred land and water protectors held  ceremony this morning at a border patrol checkpoint on unceded O’odham homelands to pray for sacred sites and graves demolished by the racist border wall. Border Patrol...

28 September 2020

Donald Trump and Joe Biden were athletes who got deferments and dubious medical-based...

27 August 2020

In the spirit of Protest Reports, the Free Press reprints this from:


Charlie Pierce, who cut his teeth writing sports:

I always found [NBA coach Doc Rivers] a smart and aware human being, the son of a Chicago cop...

24 August 2020
The following assessment of the UAE-Israel rapprochement engineered by Mike Pompeo is being circulated worldwide today. There are forty-one signatures on it, including myself, from a number of different countries: The...


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