14 November 2018

he 2018 “Blue Wave” that dominates our national healing is, in fact, a mere ripple within the HUUUUUGE “Rainbow Tsunami” that has two years to transform the...

09 November 2018

How much real change manifested itself in the 2018 midterms? How deeply does the outcome reflect the American soul?

07 November 2018
As sure as death & taxes, the Trump Party means to steal today’s election.   From Florida 2000 to Ohio 2004 to Wisconsin/Michigan/Pennsylvania/North Carolina/Florida 2016, we’ve seen it all before.  Here are some Red Flags:

01 November 2018

Migrant caravan 1,000 miles from US border poses NO threat

he actual news, as of October 28, was that the migrant...

Old white man with orange hair coming down on his forehead looking goofy
31 October 2018

First of all, if you are reading this you are not a dummy. However, you are most certainly considered to be a dummy by anyone who fits the psychological profile called the “malignant narcissist.” My intent is to describe this entity for...

28 October 2018

Treasonous “October Surprises” gave Republicans the presidency in 1968 and 1980. A staged 1933 Reichstag fire gave Hitler his dictatorship. 

This year’s likeliest pretext for a Trump coup could be that “terror caravan” to the...


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