He has shown himself to be a malignant narcissist and a habitual liar. The Washington Post’s ongoing tally of Trump lies is now at almost 14,000.
...A growing work in progress (as of 10/17/2019).
Impeachment finally under way
The long-delayed impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump are finally starting, but at present the focus is on a relatively minor crime - the Ukrane-Biden scandal. However, Trump...
Sine Nomine Patri is a U.S. citizen who believes in law and order.
Since the Democrats formally launched an impeachment inquiry, tweet-head Donald Trump, who is as of this writing still the Electoral College-appointed U....
Trump with Likud Party Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Aka, the Likud Party Half of the “US/Israeli Wannabe Authoritarian Tag-team”)
Israel’s influential center-left newspaper, Haaretz, commented recently on...