
11 May 2023

With his stunning revelations about mass partisan disenfranchisement in the Florida 2000 presidential fiasco, Greg god-fathered the modern election protection movement.


11 May 2023

More mass killings. More bloody “normal” — not just in Texas, not just in the United States, but around the world.

Eerily, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott inadvertently reminded us of the international nature of this scourge when he...

10 May 2023

Re “The Tragedy of Fox News,” by Bret Stephens (column, April 26):

We’ve heard this plea before: If only there...

10 May 2023

Recent developments in Washington relating to Ukraine and the Middle East remind me that there is a big difference between maintaining secrecy when a situation warrants it and lying over issues where there is no...

09 May 2023

Khader Adnan was not a ‘terrorist’ with ‘Israeli blood on his hands,’ as pro-Israeli propagandists have been repeating in the news and on social media. 

If the former Palestinian prisoner, who...


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