Contact the Free Press Election Protection group at: Free Press or 614-253-2571. Volunteers needed to watch the polling sites and videotape incidents.
18 October 2010
Columbus, OH — In an effort to help protect animals and the planet, seven local eateries have collaborated with the Ohio-founded animal advocacy organization, Mercy For Animals, to offer exciting, new vegan options in celebration of World...
07 October 2010
As we mark the 9th year of this bloody war in Afghanistan, please join us in calling on Secretary Clinton to stop giving our taxdollars to the mercenary firm Blackwater. We'll never end the war in Afghanistan as long as companies like...
04 October 2010
In the 1930s, Woody Guthrie liked to write “This machine kills fascists” on his guitar. It was a period when folk musicians stood with the people against corporate greed. This is one of the reasons that folk musicians were attacked and...
01 October 2010
A group of policy experts who want to end the war in Afghanistan - the Afghanistan Study Group - have unveiled a report calling for the U.S. to scale back its military operations in Afghanistan, and to promote power-sharing and political...