28 February 2008
Please call the Free Press if you experience or observe problems at the polling booth or irregularities in voting activities on primary election day in Ohio!
Attorneys and "video the vote"...
22 February 2008
We’re recording live at 2:00pm every Saturday at Victorian’s Midnight Café, 251 W. Fifth at Neil. Join the audience, grab a mike, let your voice be heard. Bob and Harvey are joined by Andrew Davis and Rob Jones for some political talk,...
21 February 2008
Right now, there is an opportunity to potentially have a major impact on the energy legislation. Some are saying that at this point, House Speaker Jon Husted is leaning towards leaving nuclear energy out of the substitute bill he is...
18 February 2008
Lulu is one of the lucky ones. Lulu the chimpanzee was fortunate enough to be rescued from a publicly-funded biomedical research lab, and is now thriving at The Humane Society of the United States’ animal sanctuary in Texas. But nearly 1,...
14 February 2008
Act Today for A Clean Energy Tomorrow Please go to the link below to contact Ohio House Speaker Jon Husted. Thank him for including renewable energy in Ohio's energy bill. Ask him to remove coal and nuclear! Deadline for responding:...


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