10 July 2004
Happy Gay Pride. I look over the years and I see so much hate for the gay lifestyle, but does that make me ashamed? The answer, short and sweet ... No.

  People hide behind religion with gay and non-gay reasoning. At...
10 July 2004
For many years, the human species has tried to cure its diseases and test its new products by using innocent, vulnerable animals as living experimental subjects. So prevalent was it to use the sweet little guinea pigs (OK, so I’m...
29 June 2004
In early July, the U.S. Senate will consider legislation that would make it much more difficult to hold corporations accountable when they deceive consumers, trample our civil or workplace rights, or pollute the environment. This bill -...
25 June 2004
You can set your watch by it. The minute some halfway decent government in Latin America begins to reverse the usual order of things and try to give the have-nots a break from the grind of poverty and wretchedness, all the usual suspects...
24 June 2004
The lasting legacy of Ronald Wilson Reagan will be Star Wars and a bloated imperialist U.S. military budget. At the beginning of the recent war against Iraq, nearly two dozen years after Reagan first took office, his impact was plainly...
20 June 2004
While the major media screams about the latest beheading in the Middle East, John Ashcroft's destruction of a man in the middle west -- likely for political purposes -- has gone unnoticed.  

The ghastly court appearance...


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