
15 March 2004
Below are excerpts from the Iraq War Crime Tribunal proposal that was passed by the Green Party of Ohio Convention on January 31, 2004.

“The Green Party of the United States National Conference of July 2003, called for...
15 March 2004
“Dennis Kucinich is the conscience of the Democratic Party” -- UK Guardian, January 13, 2004

According to recent news reports, there’s a growing number of citizens around the world who share a common kinship: their faith...
15 March 2004
On Friday the thirteenth of February, in honor of Valentine’s Day, there was a protest against Ohio’s new and unjust Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) law at the Franklin County Courthouse. Sixty to seventy people braved the cold winds and...
15 March 2004
May 1st, International Workers’ Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in every country except the United States and Canada. Despite the fact that the holiday began in the...
15 March 2004
Asking for an INDEPENDENT Investigation into the Intelligence on Iraq.  Almost a year has passed since the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and we now know that the major justification for war (Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction) no...
15 March 2004
Last year, President Bush formed a Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, a private group of government officials who have been meeting in secret to take our failed Cuba policy and send it even further in the wrong direction.  With...


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