
05 November 2003
 To gauge the level of hatred entertained by liberals for the Bush administration, take a look at the best-seller lists. Rubbing shoulders in the top tiers we find Michael Moore, Al Franken, Paul Krugman and Molly Ivins all pouring...
03 November 2003
COLUMBUS - More than 275 concerned Ohioans attended a rally at the Ohio Statehouse Thursday then marched along High Street to greet President George W. Bush as he made his way to a $2,000 per person fund-raiser for his own re-election...
01 November 2003
As would be expected in the Age of Bush, an energy bill that will affect all Americans for decades to come, and cost us hundreds of billions of dollars, is being hashed out in secret.  It's a direct off-shoot of those notorious secret...
30 October 2003
The president's air pollution legislation currently pending in Congress is a disaster for eastern and southeastern Ohio. It ensures that the old, dirty power plants in the Ohio River Valley, like the Gavin, Sammis and Cardinal plants,...
29 October 2003
As the Third National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement rapidly approaches, members of the Accommodations Committee are currently trying to determine how many students and activists we can offer low-income housing...
28 October 2003
Enter the world of Paul Krugman, a world either dark (the eras of Bush One and Bush Two) or bathed in light (when Bill was king). "What do you think of the French Revolution?" someone is supposed to have asked Chou En-Lai. "Too soon to...


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