
22 April 2020

(I Urge that Attention be Paid to the Increased Adverse Pathophysiological Effects and Lethality of “COVID-19” Hospital Treatment Centers in 5G-Saturated Urban Centers like Wuhan, New York City, Milan, Italy, etc) (2172 words)...

Details about event
12 April 2020

Progressive friends who are used to gathering on the second Saturday for the Free Press salons met together through Zoom on April 11 from 7-9pm for a "Cyber-Salon." About 37 people were able to tune in to hear speakers,...

Grave that says Wisconsin I Voted
08 April 2020

For Donald Trump’s GOP followers, the real issue in the 2020 election is democracy itself.

They want it abolished. 

Their primary allies are the Coronavirus, state legislatures like those in Ohio and Wisconsin, and the US...

Biden pointing
04 April 2020

Joe Biden must step aside. NOW!!!

Someone else must be the Democratic Party’s nominee to run against Donald Trump.

As Trump lies to the world, day after day, and puts his ghastly son-in-law in charge of dragging us all...

Vote sign
24 March 2020

The federal government, upon enactment of this Act, will work with all 50 states to ensure safe, fair, and transparent elections; and appropriate all federal funds necessary to the states for an expedited and effective...


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