I Love My Obamacare  website and petition efforts: We have collected over 2,300 signatures of  “ILoveMyObamacare.org”  supporters, including more than 350 gathered at protests at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison.  We also collected over 600 signatures at the combined labor and teacher rallies last Wednesday at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing.

  Congressman John Conyers is fully supporting this effort for several reasons.  He explains that our I Love My Obamacare effort is the next step towards gaining Medicare for All, HR 676.  If our opponents are able to repeal Obamacare in the US Senate, we may never see “health care for all” during our lifetime.  Fortunately, our and others’ efforts for Obamacare are gaining more strength, as Conyers states that more and more pro-health reform Congress Members on the floor are speaking about their support for “Medicaid, Medicare and Obamacare.”  Also, Conyers appreciates the fact that President Obama was crucial in passing the Affordable Care Act last year, and calling the Act Obamacare is a tribute to his and every ones efforts.   

  We have made much progress exploring the extent of popular enthusiasm for our efforts to Re-Frame Obamacare as a positive achievement for All Americans to have Access to Healthcare.  

  We are delighted with our new homepage for our website.  You can see it at  

             I Love My ObamaCare  

  As explained at the top of the home page, it is only a static homepage at this time because we need to raise the $4,000 so that the site is attractive and effective, and it can withstand the hacking attacks of our opponents. If you like what you see on our homepage, please make a check out to  “I Love My Obamacare” and send it to  I Love My Obamacare, P O Box 4639, East Lansing, MI  48826.  

  When you send your check, please email me and tell me what amount you are sending.  Every few days I will send an update of how much we have raised towards our goal of $4,000.  Thank you for all your support.  

  In an effort to build publicity for  I Love My Obamacare  effort while we are constructing our website, we have set up an online petition, “Help Resist Efforts to Repeal Obamacare” on the PetitionSite.  Please go and sign up at the site to show your support, and get your friends to sign up also.  

      The Petition Site  


  If you want to help by circulating petitions or helping in other ways, please let me know.  I have attached our petition to download and circulate among your friends and contacts.  Email if you want me to email you copies of a 1/2 page explanation flyer, a 2 page flyer, and a list of 52 reasons to Fall in Love With Obamacare.  I also am asking $2 or more for our button,  I Love My Obamacare.org, which appears in our letterhead above.

  This is the first email for our petition drive and efforts to build a website.  We will send one or so a week.  Please forward this to your friends, family members and networks.  

  Give me a call or an email if you want to talk about these efforts and especially if you want to donate.  

  Best Wishes, and Onward,
  Bob Alexander, Manager
  P. O. Box  4639
  East Lansing, Michigan  48826