NEW YORK, Dec. 30 (GIN) - More than 20 years after he was toppled from power and forced into exile in Saudi Arabia, Idi Amin wants to return to Uganda - the country where, during his eight-year dictatorship, at least 300,000 people were massacred.

   According to news group Sapa-DPA, Amin - who was once known as the "Butcher of Uganda" - wants to leave Mecca, return to live in his home town of Arua, Uganda, and build up his former house. Amin wants to live there "not as a dictator, but as a retiree," says his son, Hajji Ali.

   Amin's family, many of whom have returned from exile to Uganda, have been calling for Amin to be allowed back.  In April, Ali said "My father is completely innocent. We should talk about something where there is evidence, but the evidence is just not there."

   The evidence, however, is stark, solid and brutal.

   In addition to the 300,000 people that Amnesty International say were killed there during his rule, Amin expelled some 50,000 people of Asian decent - giving them just weeks to leave - and distributed their businesses to his friends.

   The Amin was finally forced out of power after a failed attempt to invade Tanzania.

   On April 11 this year, the presidents of Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya led a low-key celebration marking the 23rd anniversary of Amin's fall from power.