Martha Rosenberg is a freelance journalist and the author of the highly acclaimed, Born with a Junk Food Deficiency: How Flaks, Quacks and Hacks Pimp the Public Health, published by Prometheus Books. Ms Rosenberg is widely published at a variety of websites.

Articles by Author

07 February 2025

Anne Garrels (1951 – 2022) was a US journalist who worked for National Public Radio during the Iraq war and authored of Naked in Baghdad.


06 May 2022

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, Senate ...

24 August 2021

In the 1980s, the animal rights movement was a sorry sight. In Chicago, it consisted of three to five activists handing out soggy leaflets in the rain...

21 January 2021


This month, many are cheering the news that the NRA is now as financially bankrupt as it is morally. Last year, New York Attorney General Letitia...

02 January 2021

By now, most people are aware of the US obesity statistics. In 2016, almost 70 percent of US adults were obese of overweight ...

28 October 2020

The Covid pandemic has given Pharma a temporary halo. Who cares about its prohibitively expensive drugs, the way it hides drug risks, the way that it "sells...
