We start with a beautiful poem by MIMI GERMAN, as only our poet laureate can do.
ANDREA MILLER kicks us off with a deep dive into the world of phone banking aimed at enhancing voter turnout in this apocalyptic election.
Former Charlotte two-term Mayor JENNIFER ROBERTS gives us the latest from Mecklenberg County.
RAY MCCLENDON of Communities United tells us what is happening in the critical swing state of Georgia.
Widely popular radio host EGBERTO WILLIES reports in from Texas.
Co-Convenor MIKE HERSH encourages us to see the bigger picture on the democracy for which we are fighting.
JIM NATHAN lays out the astounding deterioration of the dictatorial state of Florida.
KPFA radio host DENNIS BERNSTEIN chimes in to invite our guests to a rally for Donald Trump with Greg Palast, producer of “Vigilantes, Inc.”
From Michigan, ROGER RAPOPORT reports on the nuclear madness gathering in the Great Lakes.
Radio host LYNNE FEINERMAN of “Women Rising Radio” discusses the impact of the Mid East war on the US election and the need for joy in these hard times.
ELISSA RICHARDSON HALL decries the impact of the mainstream media.
KEVIN KAMPS of Beyond Nuclear warns that the Biden Inflation Reduction Act calls for gargantuan handouts to the scam atomic power industry.
The predatory nature of the nuke power industry is underlined by both MYLA RESON and RAY LUTZ.
The brave new world of UFO investigation is introduced by TATANKA BRICCA in intriguing detail.
Engineer STEVE CARUSO tells us that China has called for “No First Use” of nuclear weapons….
…a fitting way to end today’s astounding session, and to invite you all to join us next week!!!