
Jim Miles is a Canadian educator and a regular contributor/columnist of opinion pieces and book reviews for The Palestine Chronicle. Miles' work is also presented globally through other alternative websites and news publications.

Articles by Author

26 May 2010
I first encountered Reza Aslan on the Jon Stewart Show and was somewhat perturbed by his interview - unfortunately I have not been able to retrieve that...
12 May 2010
Historians living within their own nations develop within the mythology peculiar to their nation, in which "various spheres of memory coalesced into an...
01 April 2010
Part of the dilemma in Palestine is that the more the “peace” process is delayed, moving nowhere, the more Israel gains in the way of confiscated and settled...
21 March 2010
The political events and comments surrounding Joe Biden’s recent visit to Israel stand only to highlight the hypocrisy and arrogant ignorance of the United...
21 March 2010
A book that detailed all the military posts around the world would be encyclopaedic in size and nature, for in order to be comprehensive to cover all the bases...
03 March 2010
For historians who like dates and bookends for their events, the “global war on terror” started with the destruction of the Twin Towers and the attack on the...
