I was asked to write an article about “420.” Apropos, I guess, considering my name. So I began conceptualizing the piece. Perhaps a few interesting...
Since my last article, a mere four months ago, I was lamenting Responsible Ohio’s crash and burn 66-34% defeat on Election Night 2015. Good grief! After a...
The morning after Election Day 2015, I woke up suddenly. My mind was racing, “This isn’t right. This isn’t right. Something’s not right.” As an...
What does Issue 3 say? It is understandable that people want concrete answers concerning what will happen if Issue 3 passes. To help...
Cannabis is like our friend the dog. Seriously. It can be bred to produce a variety of species that appear to be quite different from one another...
I was having a debate with my friend the other day. He cried hoax – April Fool’s! I said brave new world. So, which is it? Is genetically modified...