
Articles by Author

Microscope image on swirly colorful background
07 March 2020

Just say no. It had such a quaint ring to it, hearkening back to a simpler time when some thought that binary choices – black and white – could be applied...

Botanist dispensary building
07 February 2020

Let’s talk about strains. The word strain has many meanings: there are musical strains, muscular strains, and, yes, marijuana strains. The latter is what...

Marijuana leaf
01 January 2020

Consensus seems to hold that 2019 was a mixed bag: ground-breaking, positive change countered by frustration, gloom and doom, all peppered with more than a...

Statehouse rotunda with marijuana leaf superimposed on top
05 December 2019

The past year marked many major milestones for marijuana. Michigan voters passed an adult use ballot measure in November 2018, with the first business...

Electric car at a charging station
22 October 2019

Discussions regarding the effect our actions have on the environment are becoming a regular feature of contemporary life....

Collage of pictures from Mary Jane's activism
22 October 2019

What an honor! I am extremely proud to be named the 2019 recipient of the Free Press “Libby” Award for Community Activism. I’m guessing that such an...
