
Paul Loeb is the author of Soul of a Citizen: Living With Conviction in a Cynical Time and he The Impossible Will Take a Little While. new anthology on political hope,

Articles by Author

11 June 2010
It was a tough loss, 10,000 votes. Bill Halter might have even upset Blanche Lincoln in the primary run-off had his stronghold of Garland County not dropped...
08 May 2010
From reining in Wall Street to preventing the next oil spill and tackling global climate change, we often hold back from taking important public stands because...
08 May 2010
As vice president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), Rich Cizik represented 4,500 congregations serving 30 million...
30 March 2010
Assigned on hundreds of campuses in every conceivable discipline and from first-year programs to graduate seminars, Paul Loeb’s Soul of a Citizen has become a...
20 March 2010
Nothing makes us feel more powerless than the corruption of our democracy by money. It undermines progress on every issue we face. If America is ever to deal...
17 March 2010
If the Democrats don't get the youth vote, they're toast. That happened in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, where young Obama voters stayed home in...
