
Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. Contact him at or visit his website at

Articles by Author

06 January 2022

Love thy enemy? I get a chance to do so on a regular basis, thanks to the email (or nasty-mail) I sometimes get in response to my column, e.g.:

22 December 2021

What’s your story?

We tell stories, which evolve into myths — and myths are what hold us together. They create the collective entity known as the...

15 December 2021

War spews hell in all directions. Just ask the guys at Talon Anvil, a secret U.S. “strike cell” recently exposed by the ...

01 December 2021

“Protecting the border” is essentially the same thing as protecting your own property, right? You’ve got to protect it from invaders, thieves — lawless...

25 November 2021

The first time it happened was bad enough.

“It” amounted to this: It was Wednesday afternoon, I had finished my column early and walked out to my car...
